Hello When I open Geany Insert USB or CD After Inject USB or CD And click "Open file" from Geany Get error, that in device not disk
Checked versions: 1.38, 2.0 Thank You
I suspect that the message is not from Geany, can you switch your machine to English and run Geany so we can see the original untranslated message to see if it comes from Geany?

I'm sorry, without the machine and Geany being in English most contributors cannot tell what you were clicking on or what messages say. Possibly another contributor can read the messages and might help. Note that even if Geany shows the dialog, the messages may come from the system, or GTK, so they are not under Geany control, but without being able to read them it is not possible to tell. If the messages are in English we can search the Geany source code for it, but of course that needs the original message, it probably won't match a translation of a translation. Note the English buttons text `Try Again` does not appear in Geany source which is why I suggest it isn't a Geany dialog.
I think, that this gtk message
Message about: No disc in the device. Insert the disk in the device <Letter>
when I click eject, but physical not eject, I see this error.
When I physical eject, error no. But, CD I cannot physical eject
I do not completely follow what you are saying, but if you click eject I suspect Windows decides the device is not available (unmounted in Linux parlance), even if it is not actually ejected. But the directory structure is still remembered in the file system cache, so the open dialog works, but the read won't work because the device is not available (not mounted).
This is almost certainly nothing to do with Geany and probably not anything to do with GTK, but is a problem with Windows. With Geany 1.38 you could try the windows native dialogs instead of the GTK open dialog, but because of other problems they cause native dialogs are no longer available in Geany 2.0.
ok, I check this in other programs, and record screen video
how set English lang in Geany?
Now I check other versions: 1.27 - ok 1.34 - ok 1.35 - ok 1.36 - error 1.37 - error 1.38 - error 2.0 - error