Python has different extension files. Apart from .py it has one with an "i" at the end: ".pyi" files.
How to configure Geany to allow Format > Comment in types Geany do not recognize? How would I configure for a new filetype wheter to use // or # or " in comments ?
I believe this is handled in ```INSTALL_PREFIX/share/geany/filetype_extensions.conf```
You should be able to append ```*.pyi;``` to the **Python** entry.
How to configure Geany to allow Format > Comment in types Geany do not recognize?
There is no way of configuring comments outside a filetype, you would need to define a custom filetype. But in the case of `.pyi` Geany can be configured to recognise that extension as Python filetype in the way @neoh4x0r mentioned using `filetype_extensions.conf`
If somebody wants to make a PR adding the `.pyi` extension it probably would be accepted.
If somebody wants to make a PR adding the `.pyi` extension it probably would be accepted.
Here we go #3976.
Closed #3873 as completed via #3976.