i switched completely to geany on all my platforms because geany is available for windows, Linux Mint and Raspberry OS and is active in development. On Windows i used pspad and there was a color picker which had predefined colors.
I use the color picker often for html and i try to find every time the same color with the sliders, the result is mostly similar but not the same ... is there a better color picker ?
Thank you
This is the issues for Geany Plugins, there is no colour picker plugin AFAIK. To raise an issue/feature request for the colour picker in Geany itself please use the issues on the [Geany repository](https://www.geany.org/support/bugs/) and add your version of Geany, and GTK and Glib versions (paste from near the top of `Help->Debug Messages`).
Closed #1010.
I think the older and newer color selection dialog boxes allow palettes, but I don't think Geany persists them.