With "Visueller Zeilenumbruch" (Visual Linebreak/LineWrap/Wordwrap?) activated, sometimes lines and line numbers are displayed twice or not at all.
How to do it with double lines: A) Create a document with 6 lines: 1: some content 2: blank 3: some other content 4: blank 5: some other content 6: blank
B) type more content in line 1 until the visual linebreak kicks in. then remove some content from line one until the text fits again into line 1. now line 3 is displayed twice. no navigate through the lines and watch line 3 being corrected and line 5 being displayed twice.
Sorry, I do not have a howto for missing lines. Will provide it once I have it.
Version is 1.30.1
Howto for missing line:
1:Veryveryverylongline 2:AAAA 3:BBBB 4:CCCC
Now again, type in line one until the linebreak starts, then remove content until the text fits into one line again. Then this is displayed:
1:Veryveryverylongline 2:AAAA 3:BBBB 3:BBBB
When going through the lines with the cursor, I even get this ( not the additonal line#4 without content):
1:Veryveryverylongline 2:AAAA 3:BBBB 4:CCCC 4:
I can't reproduce, it sounds like maybe a flaky plugin. Can you try and run Geany with plugins disabled (ie. `geany -p`)?
And what system are you running on and what version of Glib and GTK (near top of menu->help->debug messages)?
With geany -p the effect is still present.
07:51:31: Geany INFO : Geany 1.30.1, de_DE.utf8 07:51:31: Geany INFO : GTK 2.24.31, GLib 2.52.2
System is Manjaro XFCE 64 Bit, with the latest updates.
Here is an animted version. Towards the end, I am navigating down with the cursor (cursor is not visible in the screenshots)
I have some form of this problem, too (Geany git, GTK 2.24.30, GLib 2.48.2):
This used to happen to me often with Geany 1.27. I thought I got rid of the problem on Geany master, but apparently not.
Confirmed with git version GTK 2.24.30, GLib 2.48.2
Its the blank line thats the key
Does not happen with Geany git and GTK 3.18.9, GLib 2.48.2
@vfaronov @RalphBike does either of you have a GTK 2 version of Scite in your distributions repos? The one in mine is GTK3 and as I said above that works. If so can you try it in Scite?
Still happens with Scintilla 3.7.5.
https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/bugs/1949/ ?
I built SciTE with GTK+2 and I can reproduce [the problem](https://github.com/geany/geany/issues/1521#issuecomment-309974845) there. But applying the patch from [Scintilla #1949](https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/bugs/1949/) doesn’t fix it (although it does fix the problem described in Scintilla #1949).
@vfaronov in that case can you report it to Scintilla with your description of the problem.
@elextr Done. I was mistaken, [Scintilla #1949](https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/bugs/1949/) is not fixed for me after all, so I added a comment there.
This was [fixed in Scintilla](https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/code/ci/ebec660dcf48ec92301441140550f67d...). Can anyone confirm the fix is now in Geany so we can close this issue?
Closed #1521.
Hi, seems to be fixed. Tested with V. 1.34.1