Geany's markdown syntax highlighting (without the markdown plugin) is confused, when code block is indented. All the text after code block end is blue and ignores *all following* markdown syntax highlighting . 
When code block is *not* indented, everything is ok.
This is not a plugin problem, moving to Geany issues.
Apparently, using tilde-delimited code blocks within a list seems to work ok
"Seems" is exactly right: those lines are being styled like ~~strikeout~~ because of a false match with the first two `~~`s:

Triple `~~~`s are recognized as code fences only when they're flush with the margin and the previous line is blank:

_Note on the colorscheme; it's [Delt Dark](
Patched upstream:

:warning: Look for it _after_ v5.1.1; that one's buggy: :warning:
Closed #2797 as completed.
Since we already use Scintilla 5.1.5 where this bug is fixed, I'll close this issue.
Just re-open if you disagree.
Is the fix included in latest release 1.38? Because I still see the wrong highlighting in this version.
It is *not* included in 1.38, it is fixed in GIT master and this will be included in the next release.