When started as `geany -n`, the file which was (in case of "Load files from the last session") or will be opened first, remains uncolored! No syntax highlighting.
Experienced with .cpp files. There was no project open. geany version is 1.32. The filetype of the colorless file is -- seemingly -- recognized. (Correctly, as "C++".)
Not sure what `-n` is supposed to do, Whats the point of turning off a large part of Geany functionality? Not surprised it has unexpected flow on effects.
The "fix" should be to remove the option.
I can reproduce this bug. The only thing that shouldn't be highlighted with `-n` is type names which require ctags, everything else (keywords, integers, strings, etc) should be highlighted.
Whats the use-case for -n? Note it doesn't stop ctags parsing, the symbols pane is still loaded.