![{464BD2C3-D2A8-4cd8-ADE3-925F52F8647D}](https://github.com/geany/geany-plugins/assets/139338389/90e72e2d-2132-46ba-b...) How incomprehensible this is! Blue Chinese can be displayed normally, while red cannot!
The red is output from the Java compiler, but it looks like it is not UTF-8 encoding.
Since there is nothing to tell Geany what the compiler message output encoding is, so UTF-8 is assumed, but that means some characters are not recognised if it is not UTF-8. Clearly part of the message is ASCII (==UTF-8) but part is something else.
The red is output from the Java compiler, but it looks like it is not UTF-8 encoding.
set "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8"
<img width="482" alt="java-tools-options-win-env" src="https://github.com/geany/geany-plugins/assets/59004801/3327a097-c781-4b54-ad5d-4f3356be268a">
That's effective, thank you!