The latest geany line wrapping feature does not work on latest KDE plasma also Menu font color invisible unreadable How to solve such issue?
This is a recorded message, please always provide the version of Geany, Glib and GTK (see lines near the top of Help->Debug Messages) and the operating system and version you are using.
The toolbar colours thing sounds like a theme issue. If I remember correctly, somewhere in KDE settings there's a "GTK/GNOME Application Style" screen where you can tinker with this, try changing themes or any other settings which might be relevant. You probably have to restart the program for changes to take effect. You will probably have the same issue in any GTK+ programs.
I think there used to also be an option somewhere called "Apply colors to non-QT applications" to turn off KDE messing with the GTK theme, it's probably still available in a config file somewhere.
Line wrap in `.bashrc` file not work while in .sh, .bash, or may be more other type, does work Explanation ?
Are you saying that if you use the `Document->Line Wrapping` menu item to enable Line Wrapping that it does take effect for any file except for `.bashrc` file? Or are you saying that `Line Wrapping` setting is not remembered for `.bashrc`?
I'm not sure if it will help, but you could try to delete the `[files]` section from `~/.config/geany/geany.conf` using a different non-Geany text editor, while Geany is closed.
Line wrapping is a per-file setting not a per language setting, it is set by `Document->Line Wrapping` for each file and is remembered while the file is open, even if Geany is closed and re-opened, but is forgotten when the file is closed.
The default value of the setting is `Edit->Preferences->Editor->Features->Line Wrapping`
@elextr weird! every time .bashrc still opened in Geany then I exit Geany, rerun it with automatic load previous session, linewrap will **not** work in .bashrc but if just close .bashrc then reopen it again it does work
Can this be closed?