If i leave geany for another application(for example firefox) and click on the tasklist in the panel/taskbar for to reopen geany, then only the search dialog appear on the screen without the main editor window. the same doesn't happen if i use alt+tab to go back to geany; then both the main editor window of geany and search dialog appear together
i noticed this with another application (qalculate), which i also compiled with gtk3. i'm not sure if it's a general x-problem, gtk problem, or xfce. but i'm contacting something to do with xfceith xfce now
Cannot reproduce with Cinnamon desktop, suspect its an xfce error.
Did you have the search dialog opened before? Or did clicking on the Geany item in the tasklist open the search dialog initially?
Just asking to have a precise way to reproduce.
yes, i had the dialog open after going into the editor. but if i click the tasklist after going to another software and back, i only get the search dialog. which i have to close in order to get back to the main editor.
i have tried some different versions/new ones of xfce. but the situation remains the same, ty
dev-util/geany-plugins gtk3 automark commander gtkspell defineformat enchant overview dev-util/geany gtk3
here is a list of the flags used during compilation
The search dialog is non-modal to allow mixed searching/editing without reopening the dialog.
It would appear that XFCE may be getting confused by that, as I said it works on Cinnamon.
@krizoek what version of Geany are using? Also what version of GTK+ 3, and which window manager are you using, as well as which distro?
Also, are you using multiple desktops?
Also, are you on Linux or another *nix?
The output of `xfconf-query --list -c xfwm4 -v` could also be interesting. I suspect a specific Xfwm4 setting which is causing this bevahior. Interesting candidates are: `/general/activate_action`, `/general/focus_hint`, `/general/focus_new`, `/general/prevent_focus_stealing`.
i'm not really sure what i did, but i got it working. maybe some test packages from xfce made it not fully functional, i did revert back to some former versions of xfwm; but i compiled both xfce and geany with a new gcc as well (currently gcc 6.4). i had tried 7.1 and 6.3 before when i had the trouble. i'm running gentoo
ty for all your help.
This is xfwm4 version 4.12.3 (revision 7fdcb53) for Xfce 4.12 Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Compiled against GTK+-2.24.31, using GTK+-2.24.31.
xfconf-query --list -c xfwm4 -v /general/activate_action bring /general/borderless_maximize true /general/box_move false /general/box_resize false /general/button_layout O|SHMC /general/button_offset 0 /general/button_spacing 0 /general/click_to_focus true /general/cycle_apps_only false /general/cycle_draw_frame true /general/cycle_hidden true /general/cycle_minimum true /general/cycle_preview true /general/cycle_tabwin_mode 1 /general/cycle_workspaces false /general/double_click_action maximize /general/double_click_distance 5 /general/double_click_time 250 /general/easy_click Alt /general/focus_delay 250 /general/focus_hint true /general/focus_new true /general/frame_opacity 100 /general/full_width_title true /general/horiz_scroll_opacity false /general/inactive_opacity 100 /general/maximized_offset 0 /general/mousewheel_rollup false /general/move_opacity 100 /general/placement_mode center /general/placement_ratio 45 /general/popup_opacity 100 /general/prevent_focus_stealing false /general/raise_delay 0 /general/raise_on_click true /general/raise_on_focus false /general/raise_with_any_button true /general/repeat_urgent_blink false /general/resize_opacity 100 /general/scroll_workspaces true /general/shadow_delta_height 0 /general/shadow_delta_width 0 /general/shadow_delta_x 0 /general/shadow_delta_y -3 /general/shadow_opacity 50 /general/show_app_icon true /general/show_dock_shadow true /general/show_frame_shadow true /general/show_popup_shadow false /general/snap_resist false /general/snap_to_border true /general/snap_to_windows false /general/snap_width 12 /general/sync_to_vblank true /general/theme Elberg /general/tile_on_move true /general/title_alignment center /general/title_font Sans Bold 11 /general/title_horizontal_offset 0 /general/titleless_maximize false /general/title_shadow_active false /general/title_shadow_inactive false /general/title_vertical_offset_active 2 /general/title_vertical_offset_inactive 2 /general/toggle_workspaces false /general/unredirect_overlays true /general/urgent_blink false /general/use_compositing true /general/workspace_count 1 /general/workspace_names <<UNSUPPORTED>> /general/wrap_cycle true /general/wrap_layout true /general/wrap_resistance 10 /general/wrap_windows true /general/wrap_workspaces false /general/zoom_desktop true
Closed #1538.