This adds a combo-box to the find-in-files dialog which lets the user choose which kind of regular expressions shall be used: extended, basic or perl.
The pre-selected value is 'extended' so users which do not want to change the reg-exp mode used, do not need to change anything. If a user only toggles the checkbox to enable/disable regular expressions then anything works as it used to.
Also see #443. You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* find-in-files: choose reg-exp mode (extended/basic/perl)
-- File Changes --
M src/search.c (44)
-- Patch Links --
The combo-box for choosing the reg-exp-mode is placed under the check-box for enabling/disabling regular expressions. The combo-box is inactive if regular expressions are disabled. See the following screenshots:

LGBI too. Just one question and one idea: - "reg. expr." looks a bit strange to me, maybe just use "regex" if it is common enough these days? - we could add the `grep` short command line options behind the option names, e.g. "Use Extended reg. expr. (-E)", so advanced grep users can quickly choose what they are used to from command line.