GeanyNumberedBookmarks works well **except** when working in Projects.
It would be a great feature if it worked always.
I understood that one issue was that if a file had changed externally, the folding would be unreliable. You asked for suggestions somewhere in this forum (, so I have two suggestions which you may very well have contemplated before : 1) Save a hash of the file together with the state information about the fold points. If hash doesn't match file when opened, don't honor saved fold status 2) Alternatively, save fold point together with the text of its row, and somehow match this with the opened file. I guess this is much harder than 1), and I think 1) would suffice
Thanks for your work with this great eidtor
_Originally posted by @JanAxelsson in
Let me clarify myself, since I obviously made this sound more like a numbered bookmark feature, than a general Geany feature.
There has been several feature requests to include remembered code-folding in Geany, and from the post I linked, there were also a question from the developers on how to handle such a feature if a file was changed. My suggestions above was an attempt to answer that reach-out, giving one possible idea for handling changed files and code folding; of course there are many alternative ways you may want
It is of course possible that Numbered Bookmark developers may include this also for Projects, but I feel that this is a genuinely basic feature which would be great to have in base Geany. Also, hiding the folding in a Plugin that gives its own quirks* which I may not need is not optimal
Is it therefore possible to let this be a Geany request instead of a Plugin request?
Best wishes, and again thanks for the greatest editor on Earth /Jan
* (I do not fancy the Numbered bookmarks that gets in my marigin without me understanding how, and that the bookmarking shortcuts gets in the way of other shortcuts making them impossible to remove. This may be a Mac-Geany problem, I don't know, but at least it does not work as intended for everyone).
Somehow I agree to the idea to integrate the folding feature into Geany Vanilla directly, since it seems to be a fundamental functionality, especially great for longer ongoing projects with interruptions.