I know this is not going to get added / also not something I personally would use all the time but just something I noticed in different programs that I wanted to suggest. Some editors have the ability to be able to open up root based text files and if any modifications are made a dialog box appears asking for user to enter their password to approve the changes. I assume they are using something like "pkexec" but I am not sure. Again not something I would use often, but found it convenient at times. Not sure if any other users would find this helpful / if this could be achieved safely in a plugin form.
I had asked about this for Geany and the maintainer mentioned this would be a place to mention this. The maintainer also provided a different phrasing that I have pasted below.
"A plugin that copies the root file to a normal copy until it is edited and saved by Geany at which point the plugin can find the root permissions (and password or whatever) and then the root file replaced by the edited copy."
Again if this cannot be achieved safely then probably not worth it, I do not know how this would work.
Thank You
…or add support for GVFS' `admin://` scheme