I'm writing some shell scripts and many functions and all my functions are named using `.`, `:`, `::` as `Systemd:Unit::Is.Active()` or `EOI.Task::Cleanup()` `EOI.Task::Cleanup.TempDir()` `File::Get.Owner()` ...
Only the first part of name is listed ... `EOI` `Systemd` `File` many times in `Symbols` tabs under `Functions`.
I know it's not a conventional naming convention but suggested and working.
Is it possible to modify the parsing method somewhere in config files or is it hardcoded ?
Thank you. Kind Regards
Which shell are you using?
Bash defines:
``` name A word consisting solely of letters, numbers, and underscores, and beginning with a letter or underscore. Names are used as shell variable and function names. Also referred to as an identifier. ```
so `.` `::` etc are not valid within shell names.
I'm using bash. I have tested with zsh and it is working too. I know but it seems to be used and allowed. I found many years ago things like these ones: [bash-script-function-names-containing-double-colon](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/463560/bash-script-function-names-c...) [what-are-double-colons-in-a-shell-script](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44558080/what-are-double-colons-in-a-she...) [bash-script-function-names-containing](http://oukyi.blogspot.com/2018/08/bash-script-function-names-containing.html)
Is it possible to modify the parsing method somewhere in config files or is it hardcoded ?
Kind Regards
Its hard coded AFAIK. It follows the Bash and POSIX specification.
And its silly recommending something thats explicitly not allowed by the tools documentation just because it happens to work today, bash could change that at any time.
Thanks you for your advices. I understand.
Thank you Kind Regards
Closed #2500.
FTR: https://github.com/universal-ctags/ctags/blob/d28e10d13bcde641631fa72f6e9fe2...