The attached screenshot (taken from a `geany -c /tmp/blah` invokation) shows an empty blank space before the beginning of the text line.

This was not present before. I dunno if my distro (void) updated geany recently, but this is my likely candidate for the sudden appearance of that annoying whitespace.
Is there a way to disable it ? Or if this is a case of PEBKAC, please tell me.
*Edit → Preferences → Editor → Features → ☐ Code Folding*, that's not new though :slightly_smiling_face: You can also hide the marker margin that can be toggles in *View → ☐ Show Markers Margin* (although beware that if there are markers, they'll be displayed inline usually as background color for the line).
Closed #3725 as completed.
OK, thanks. Maybe not new, but it suddenly changed from under my feet... Maybe a distro glitch