Could a FAQ entry be added for geany and linked in from the main README?
I think there was one already, but when I looked at the main readme I did not find it again. I may eventually find it, but it would be easier to add a link to it. If a FAQ does not yet exist then I think it may be useful to add one.
For instance, a simple question I have is: "how do I show the vte terminal on the bottom"? This is especially useful as an answer because I often don't have that terminal and then I need to find out why not, which takes some time away. So having a FAQ entry here helps a lot. (And once I know it I move on to other things, so other people can not benefit from me having solved this issue, which is also why I think a FAQ entry would be neat.)
Also, in addition to that, I'd love some page or FAQ entries about customizing geany. Right now I don't what is all possible (to explain: I did a hiatus in regards to geany, so I am only recently picking up things again, but most of my time investment goes into other things unrelated from writing software or handling computers directly).
VTE seems to be explained extensively in the fine [manual]( so a FAQ is not needed.
The manual covers pretty much all customisation, but if anything is missing feel free to create a pull request to add it.
Just in case you didn't find it yyet, there is a FAQ at, as @elextr said if there is something missing, feel free to create a pull request at The source of the FAQ page is at
For further customization you can also have a look at the Wiki, e.g.
Admittedly, the information are a bit spread at the moment. Maybe we can improve this in the future.
Linking the FAQ in the project README seems like a good idea to me.