I've got a win10 machine with 3 monitors, the primary is a 4k laptop display scaled by 200%. The mouse pointer is unscaled in the text edit window when geany is on the 200%-scaled desktop, making it very hard to see.
Geany on windows uses the GTK2 GUI library which I don't think is hidpi aware. You could try setting it in your .gtkrc file maybe.
Looks like support landed in 3.x? https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=768081 Are the pointers in the text edit area custom? Could geany be patched to just use the system default pointers when hiDPI is detected?
Geany itself does not set cursors, I think they are set by the GTK theme, which is why I suggested the .gtkrc file but I don't know if it can set them there.
Geany will build and run with GTK3 on Linux and (I think) on OSX but it is not built with GTK3 on windows because nobody has contributed the changes to make Travis windows build, the nightly windows build and the release build use GTK3, but if you have the capability you could try building geany with GTK3 and report back about this and any other problems you encounter.
Are the pointers in the text edit area custom?
Does the problem only happen on the main editor area, and not e.g. in the entry fields or the Scribble panel?
Interesting, that suggests there's some weird thing happening with Scintilla's use of cursors then maybe. @gigadude could you give us the debug info (Geany/GTK/GLib version, etc.), available via *Help → Debug Messages*?
Also, are all your monitors scaled the same? If not, does the same happen if another monitor is the primary one, or if Geany is first started on another one?
@b4n Scintilla just uses [GDK cursors](https://github.com/geany/geany/blob/adc22a453b546b05f507fd6522ea13f3a92943c2...), so its probably affected by GTK2's lack of hidpi support.