I copied and pasted the following code from [trojan-source](https://github.com/nickboucher/trojan-source/blob/main/C/commenting-out.c) ![geany-right-to-left](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1738012/140482937-700db336-355f-4d...) As you see, line 6 is not rendered properly. The curly braces inside RLI are unreachable by mouse or arrow keys movements. When the same code is saved as text, the curly brace on line 8 changes from close to open as the cursor moves to the curly brace on line 9.
And, yes, there are [security concerns](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-42574) involved. [Read more](https://www.trojansource.codes/)
This is not something Geany can do anything about.
Right to left text is not supported by the Scintilla editing widget on the GTK backend used by Geany. As its documentation says:
"Scintilla only correctly displays bidirectional text on some platforms. Currently, there is experimental support for bidirectional text on Win32 using DirectWrite and on macOS using Cocoa."
and even on those platforms
"bidirectional features are experimental and incomplete"
Exactly how bidirectional text displays in Scintilla is undefined on GTK backends and any behaviour is luck from the behaviour of system libraries (Pango for example).
Essentially users copying text from untrusted sources need to be careful.
What about a popup warning about unsupported characters in the file to be opened, and offering to either remove them or abort editing?
AFAIK its just four code points:
RLO (U+202E): treat the following text as right-to-left LRI (U+2066): treat the following text as left-to-right, without affecting the surrounding text RLI (U+2067): treat the following text as right-to-left, without affecting the surrounding text PDI (U+2069): terminate the most recent LRI or RLI
Offering only remove or close would prevent any LTR code to be edited in Geany just because some text in the file is RTL.
Remember its entirely valid for at least comments and strings to have RTL content in many/most programming languages.
And just testing on opening is insufficient as you demonstrated by pasting such text.
Possibly a better way would be for someone to provide a plugin to scan for such things and indicate where they occur (maybe by highlighting) so the user can ensure they only occur inside legal places.
What about bringing up this topic in Scintilla first and check if Neil can maybe handle such cases in Scintilla generally? Then all Scintilla users would benefit, not only Geany and we don't need to implement any workarounds or custom limitations.
@alevesely would you mind opening an issue about this topic for Scintilla directly?
@alevesely would you mind opening an issue about this topic for Scintilla directly?
I'm not interested in RTL editing. It is undoubtedly a relevant topic which will better editing for a lot of people who speak those languages. However, I'm not interested in that.
The main point is the security concerns that [Trojan Source](https://www.trojansource.codes/) brought up. Geany fails to handle that code properly, which might happen to alert a user that there's something wrong with that file. Thus, by chance, Geany provides a rickety protection against that kind of attacks. Until scintilla handles RTL, Geany could just fail more elegantly and provide a more solid protection.
I agree with your points. But my point was that it should be handled by Scintilla, ideally. Then Geany doesn't need to do anything special. If the Scintilla project rejects or postpones it, we'll need to implement a warning or the like. But if it is already handled in Scintilla, this would be better for Geany and for the other projects using it.
So, Neil Hodgson pointed out that this can be solved by setting [representations](https://www.scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html#CharacterRepresentations) for the Unicode points `RLO` (U+202E), `LRI` (U+2066), `RLI` (U+2067), and `PDI` (U+2069). Can this be done by a plugin?.
Since Geany does not use Scintilla representations AFAICT a plugin could set them without conflicting.