I belive this issue came with geany 2.0, but I am not sure.
The default configuration for the geany status bar is: disabled. Verify "show status bar" in the Preferences, is disabled:

This is how geany looks before using "toggle All Additional Widgets" Function:

Using the "View -> Toggle All Additional Widgets":

Until here everything is working.
Now if the "View -> Toggle All Additional Widgets" is again executed, geany shows a empty "status bar" at the bottom:

Now in this issue state, closing geany and reopening again, open geany again in the "desired" state, without showing the "status bar" at the bottom.
Please take a look at it. Thanks.
What OS?
Hi, this is geany running on linux. Here gentoo in use.
Toggle additional widgets applies to three things, the message window, the toolbar and the status bar.
The first two have menu checkboxes to control them and the toggle sets those menu items to the relevant state so the settings match whats visible. Eg turn the toolbar checkbox off and the toolbar is hidden, after two "toggle all widgets" actions the toolbar is visible again and the checkbox has been checked.
But it is bad karma for UI actions to modify preferences settings behind the users back since they are not visible, so the show status bar setting in preferences can't be used the way the menu items are.
Therefore all toggle can do is to either leave the status bar the way the preferences setting says it should be, ie do nothing, or show/hide it irrespective of the setting. Since the person who contributed the "toggle all widgets" wanted the status bar out the way they chose to show/hide it irrespective of the setting.
Unfortunately when the "show status bar" preference is off the status bar is not updated, which is why you get a blank one, it just shows the last generated state. This is far more seriously wrong if that state was showing something, because it does not update even after a swap to another file, and position and number of lines and everything else on the sidebar may be wrong.
So "somebody" needs to propose a fix, be it always updating the status bar, moving the pref to the menu, or something else.