I edit large text files in geany, and the wall of text is tiring on the eyes. A bit of white space would help tremendously. I've come across the Scintilla command, sci_setextradescent, but have no idea how to implement it. I wonder if there's an easy way to achieve this.
`filetypes.common` has a `line_height` setting that sets extraascent and extradescent.
Awesome. That was easy. Thanks so much!
Closed #1592.
My apologies but am I doing something wrong? It does not seems to be having any effect. 
My apologies, but am I doing something wrong ? It doesn't seem to be working properly. I even tried uncomenting [styling] but no luck there either. 
@Wrawller117 did you also uncomment the `[settings]` heading?
Thank you so much for the response but is this what you mean?
WFM, as soon as I uncomment those two lines and save filetypes.common it applies.
@elextr Could you be kind enough to show me the video of your settings please ? There must be something I am doing wrong. You can use ctrl+alt+shift+r to start the recording which will be saved in your videos dir. You can rename the extension from "webm" to "mp4" for GitHub to detect it.
`Menu->Tools->Configuration Files->filetypes.common` delete all characters before `[styling]` in the symbols tab a Section `styling` should appear, delete all characters before `line_height=2;2;` and a `line_height` appears in symbols as a child of styling.
Save the file `<ctrl>+s` or use the menu, and the spacing changes.
Do not post videos of file contents, post the actual file in a gist and link to it (do not paste directly in the issue) that way it can be checked for invisible characters or other anomolies that are not visible on a video.
Also post the version of Geany and the OS you are using (post the lines near the top of `Menu->Help->debug messages`) on all queries issues etc.