This is a duplicate of #1778 #1815 #1848, but here is a solution. I see that in mate-appearance-properties the mouse scroll works very well like this:
#include <gdk/gdk.h> #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3,0,0) gtk_widget_add_events (GTK_WIDGET (notebook1), GDK_SCROLL_MASK); g_signal_connect (GTK_WIDGET (notebook1), "scroll-event", G_CALLBACK (capplet_dialog_page_scroll_event_cb), GTK_WINDOW (window)); #endif
[source]( + [capplet_dialog_page_scroll_event_cb function](
I suffer from this GTK3 bug very much, too. Would you please describe where I can put this snippet to compile geany myself? Thanks!
You can add this where Geany create notebooks in source file, but I don't know where is it.
If somebody makes a Geany pull request it could be considered.
Note that it's not just the snippet pasted in the description, the whole function in @luigifab's 2nd link also needs to be implemented.
Yes, the entire function must be used, but it is included in a source file that uses the same license as Geany.
Yes, GTK has removed this user interface interaction, but it is useful, perhaps not for you. It's like menu icons, GTK 3 has spent time explaining to everyone that we need to delete them, and it looks like GTK 4 will delete them.
Same thing for the [treeview zebra/even-odd row styling](, the possibility to use one color for even row and another for odd row from CSS, was removed. But for some people like me, it's useful.
About the proposed snippet, I tried new things. Since GTK 3.24 we can use GtkEventController, but the first scroll event is ignored (example links: [link1]( and [link2]( and [link3](, that's also true, I'm a noob in C language).
FYI, mouse wheel works fine with tabs in xfce-terminal.
This is partially fixed with [gtk3-classic](
Closed #2455.
Now fixed (I don't know why, but it's not very important), with [gtk3-classic]( + geany v2.0.