I have a 2GB memory system and using geany 1.36 with web helper disabled. I am tryning to create a webpage and while editing some tags for a web page I noticed that geany becomes slow and unresponsive. In my case its this tag `<div class = "col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6" >` , the more I edit these kind of tags the more geany becomes unresponsive and scrolling the page becomes gittery. The problem only occurs in this opened html file and when I change the focus to some other files then geany works normally.
This is the html page https://pastebin.com/vc2J5gcn
Do you have any plugins enabled? Does the problem disappear if you disable all plugins?
What do you mean by "editing"? could you describe precisely some steps to reproduce your issue? Just opening your file and editing some random things in the tag itself (changing properties and values), or its content (adding or modifying child tags and text) don't seem to cause issues for me.
@LarsGit223's question is also relevant, it might very well be a plugin causing trouble (eg. pairtaghighlighter has a history about that, not saying it's that one though, as known issues have been fixed).
@b4n @LarsGit223 Yep it was caused by a plugin named **Pair Tag Highlighter** , geany started acting normally when I disabled this plugin. I will report this plugin in https://github.com/geany/geany-plugins
Closed, plugin issue.
Closed #2401.