"document sidebar -> right click on folder -> new file" to create new file in this folder instead of browsing to the destination directory manually in the save dialogue.
I know this commit is around two years old but I tossed something like this together a quick hack because it was something I wanted as well. You can find it at https://github.com/p4plus2/geany/commit/60344c03b4f985646bbd8eb197238a654e8c...
Is there interest in this sort of feature merged? If so, I can look into making sure its up to the expected standard and then submit a PR.
@p4plus2 the Documents tab is intended as a navigator for, well ... Documents, ie things open in Geany. As such it only shows directories for open documents.
There is a "filebrowser" plugin that is intended for navigating the file system, and that is probably a better place for things like creating new files since it can access any directory, not just ones with files already open.
And the standard required for a plugin (even a core plugin like filebrowser) is lower than for getting it in Geany itself.
Actually, creating a new file at given directory would be a great feature. It is actually quite annoying to save any new file in a project with deep and complex directory structure (I look at you Java! :eyes:). Just hitting Ctrl+N and Ctrl+S opens the file save dialog in project base root. Many times, I'd just like to create a "sibling" for the file I currently work on. It would be very handy if it could be done directly.
It doesn't necessarily have to be in the sidebar though. Option in menu would be just fine, something like File > New in this directory... which would open the save dialog in the same directory as the currently active file.
Option in menu would be just fine, something like File > New in this directory... which would open the save dialog in the same directory as the currently active file.
Well since filebrowser has an option to follow the directory of the current file, having the "new file" on the filebrowser would effectively let you do that since the directory would be open.
Actually, creating a new file at given directory would be a great feature. It is actually quite annoying to save any new file in a project with deep and complex directory structure (I look at you Java! ). Just hitting Ctrl+N and Ctrl+S opens the file save dialog in project base root. Many times, I'd just like to create a "sibling" for the file I currently work on. It would be very handy if it could be done directly.
It doesn't necessarily have to be in the sidebar though. Option in menu would be just fine, something like File > New in this directory... which would open the save dialog in the same directory as the currently active file.
Howdy, I have written a plugin in lua for this reason https://github.com/diazvictor/geany-plugins/tree/master/geany-advanced-new-file