It seems like the debugger plugins is not compatible with gtk3.
Therefore I compiled geany 1.33 with `./configure --disable-gtk3` Result:
``` Using GTK version : 2.24.32 ```
When I now run `./` for the plugins, it results in
``` geany-plugins-1.34
Build Environment: Geany version: 1.33 (GTK3) Install prefix: /usr/local Datadir: /usr/local/share/geany-plugins Libdir: /usr/local/lib/geany-plugins Docdir: /usr/local/share/doc/geany-plugins Plugins path: /usr/lib/geany
Build Features: Unit tests: yes Static code checking: yes Extra C compiler warnings: yes Extra linker options: yes
Plugins: Addons: yes Autoclose: yes Automark: yes CodeNav: yes Commander: yes Debugger: no ... ```
So it detect my self-compiled geany-gtk2 as gtk3 and still won't enable the debugger? Any ideas?
Do you have the development version of all the dependencies installed? eg libvte?
@elextr I guess yes, but I'm not 100% sure. I'm running arch linux.
`community/libvterm 0.1.git1.c4317a6-3` was missing (I'm not sure if it's the same libvte what you've mentioned), but it makes no difference. Debugger is still flagged as `no`.
``` # pacman -Ss vte extra/vte-common 0.52.2-1 [installed] Common files used by vte and vte3 extra/vte3 0.52.2-1 [installed] Virtual Terminal Emulator widget for use with GTK3 ```
no, libvte, not libvterm and you need the development package to compile against, not just the part needed to run it. Also given arch's bleeding edge approach it may not have a package for the gtk2 libvte.
Or you could try applying and see if you can build GTK3 debugger.
Afaik, arch does not split packages between libs and just runtimes. anyway. I try vte-legacy, which is build against gtk2: but the result is the same.
I try now #645
So, after rebuilding everything, the debugger plugin is compiling fine with pr/645 and gtk3. I will test now if it is also working as expected.
seems to work. thx @elextr

Closed #756.
@markuman FWIW, you probably just needed to use `--with-geany-libdir=/usr/local/lib` as it looks like it was picking up a Geany installed in `/usr` instead of `/usr/local`.
@codebrainz nope, I removed the geany package before used my own compiled version.
@markuman Do you have a file called `/usr/lib/pkgconfig/geany.pc`?
@codebrainz yes. but it's not installed
``` [bergholz@xps13 geany-plugins]$ cat /usr/lib/pkgconfig/geany.pc prefix=/usr exec_prefix=/usr libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib includedir=${prefix}/include datarootdir=${prefix}/share datadir=${datarootdir} localedir=${datarootdir}/locale
Name: Geany Description: A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK+ Requires: gtk+-3.0 >= 3.0 glib-2.0 >= 2.32 Version: 1.33 Libs: -L${libdir} -lgeany Cflags: -DGTK -I${includedir}/geany -I${includedir}/geany/tagmanager -I${includedir}/geany/scintilla [bergholz@xps13 geany-plugins]$ pacman -Ss geany community/geany 1.33.0-2 Fast and lightweight IDE community/geany-plugins 1.33-3 Plugins for Geany [bergholz@xps13 geany-plugins]$ ```
@markuman that's the file Geany-Plugins uses to detect your Geany (unless you use `--with-geany-libdir` to point it elsewhere), so that's why it was detecting your GTK+3 build instead of the GTK+2 build you had installed in a lower priority directory.