When using the splitwindow plugin auto-indentation for a new line is not applied (when activated in settings > editor > indentation), instead the cursor is set to the first position of the new line. This is valid for the lower resp. right panel of the split window. In the upper resp. left panel indentation works as expected.
(using Geany 1.36 on Linux Mint)
If this is in the second pane, then its not unexpected, the second pane has limited functionality and is best considered a read-only pane.
Also split-window is in the geany repo, not geany-plugins, moved.
Aha. Would reduce confusion and improve productivity, if both panes had the same functionality, though. Thanks.
Its not that there is no understanding of the potential benefits, but ...
Its not so simple as saying it, there have been several attempts to make it happen.
But they require a _lot_ of work because lots of the existing code simply wasn't written to allow for more than one pane (which is why much of it doesn't work in the second pane) or they have limitations (like the current plugin) or they have performance problems (like the switch pane implementation).
So none has been good enough to displace the limited existing limited plugin. Perhaps it should be made read-only and documented as such, but nobody has felt its worth cutting off the limited functionality it has.
Probably the existing plugin could use better documentation though. Actually any at all [its not mentioned in the manual](https://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#plugin-documentation).
Pull requests are welcome.