- {
match = utils_str_equal(linebuf, "#!!PROXY_MAGIC!!\n");
- }
+} +@endcode
+GeanyProxyFuncs::load is a bit more complex. It reads the file, fills the inferior's PluginInfo +fields and calls GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL(). Additionally, it creates a per-plugin context that +holds GKeyFile instance (a poor man's interpeter context). You can also see that it does not call +GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL() if g_key_file_load_from_file() found an error (probably a syntax +problem) which means the sub-plugin cannot be enabled.
+It also installs wrapper functions for the inferior's GeanyPluginFuncs as Ini files aren't code. +It's very likely that your proxy needs something similar because you can only install function
s/inferior/sub-plugin/g rather than using mixed terms, sometimes "sub-plugin", sometimes "inferior".
In general in general English "sub-plugin" has fewer negative connotations compared to "inferior plugin" and isn't the main point of these proxy changes to make the "sub-plugins" appear to be normal plugins.
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