As mentioned [here ]( I get a permission denied when trying to save an existing file on SSHFS drives. No problem with other editors like Atom, Sublime or Visual Studio, nor with Gimp. No problem for saving a new file but I can't save my modifications.
I'm using
Since you referred to #1500 you will see a pointer to the wiki explaining the options for file saving, so you need to read that, check the options and report the results against those.
Sorry... I had overseen that whole topic as only the last comment would refer to SSHFS...
`use_atomic_file_saving` does indeed work for saving the file. But since it doesn't keep the original file permissions it brings other issues...
Too bad... Gimp (a Gtk software as well) does it right so it seems Gtk isn't necessarily doomed 😉
I wish I could use it at work on my Win10 station as I love it so much on my home's Linux 😕
Just to confirm: To save files editted by geany using sshfs win you need to enable files.use_atomic_file_saving as in:
Just to confirm: To save files editted by geany using sshfs win you need to enable files.use_atomic_file_saving as in: ![sshfsWinGeany](
If `use_atomic_file_saving` works I'm surprised `use_gio_unsafe_file_saving` does not work, it does the same operations as atomic then tries to restore the permissions, maybe it can't do that for some reason related to the server configuration and throws its toys out of the cot.
I am also not sure why having neither of the `use_` settings set wouldn't work, then saving is just "open/truncate write write write close", maybe somebody could post the error message(s) in `Help->Debug Messages` or on terminal.