I am sure I found an error where a new user to Geany is unable to drag and drop a file unto Geany causing Geany to open it; however, when I installed Geany first then it would not allow me to drop files on it; because of that, I was going to uninstall, until a friend told me to try again.
Geany 1.35
" SiSoftware Sandra (SiSoftware Sandra ..) ... Operating System Windows System : Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1) Platform Compliance : x64 "
Files tested (drag and drop onto Geany). C, C#, C++, Perl.
Bug disappeared* after: - reopening program a couple of times, - adding new tab, - removing tab, - .. (was not an exhaustive test)
*: Files started opening when dragged and doped on Geany.
The whole bug, if it not unique to my system, makes Geany look bad when tested by new users.
Greetings from Eve-Online 
Geany -v is in picture, and there does not exist a dott conf file.