Maybe can add option to highlight line numbers in column at left side of screen. This would be a similar to the setting to highlight current line. Would allow the typical options of foreground (line number text), background, bold, italic Would be a separate setting because you can already change the color of the line number font and line number background column.
Does not really seem that there is anyone around at the moment interested in making these updates but I will still mention just in case someone in the future is interested in any of them, hope this is okay to continue to make some posts in the "Ideas" section.
Thank You
There is nothing that modifys styles of the line number, so the capability provided by Scintilla is not used.
@elextr Thank you for your response. I apologize, not sure if I understand correctly, would you be able to verify. -Is it because Scintilla cannot support this ever? -Is it because Scintilla does not yet support this but it could be if it was requested to be added? -Or are the line numbers something that is provided by Geany itself so Scintilla will never have access to this? Thank You
Saying the same thing in another order, IIUC Scintilla provides capabilities for styling line numbers, but nothing Geany does uses that styling.
Something that uses styling of line numbers needs to be defined and PR code (and documentation) needs to be written by "somebody" to add to Geany.
Closed #4005 as resolved.
I had a look at the Scintilla documentation and I don't think it is directly possible to style the margins (remember, there are more margins than just the line numbers and if so, we probably need to style every margin of the current line to have it consistent) according to the current line.
What *might* be possible would be to adjust the style of the margins of the current line every time the current line is changed. This will cause some more CPU cycles required on every click or cursor movement.
If at all, I think it would be better to have this handled by Scintilla when it already updates the current line style. This would probably much more efficient.
So, I suggest to open a feature request at Scintilla first, @advice2020.