In Elm-community it is the norm to use a command `elm-format` to automatically format the file according to formatting standards.
While I can add this command to Build Commands and then run it, after that I need to either A) press Ctrl-R and answer the prompt to reload the file B) wait until Geany detects that file has changed and answer the prompt to reload the file
To use `elm-format` properly there should be an option for Geany to reload the file after running the build command without any prompts.
Take a look in **Preferences -> Various** at the setting **reload_clean_doc_on_file_change**
I think it might solve your issue
@shiftee Yes, that seems to be exactly what I want. Still I also need for Geany to check if file did change immediately after running the Build Command, instead of waiting some time before checking.
You could also use the `elm-format --stdin` as a custom command and Geany will send the selection (ctrl+a for select all) to it and replace the selection with the result. No files are harmed in the performance of this action :)
Closed #1983.
Closed workarounds available.