I have ctags file in pipe format. Properties with hyphen in name (flex-direction) does not show suggestion of possible values.
can i solve it?
Might be difficult, a lot of Geany treats all languages as C, which doesn't allow hyphen in names.
Ok thanks, I'm not very happy about this.
Of course for a web editor (css is main language) is very strange can't use this feature
Of course for a web editor (css is main language) is very strange can't use this feature
Geany isn't specifically a web editor, it does what people contribute, and mostly the C folks contributed autocomplete and other functions. If other language folks want to improve it, pull requests are welcome.
It works for me, though not for `flex-direction` specifically, since I tested using the tags file linked from #572 and neither one includes `flex-direction`. If I type `flex-`, it gives auto-complete list for `flex-align`, `flex-flow`, `flex-line-pack`, etc.
Tested with 1.38.
What tags file are you using?
geany 1.38? last version is 1.37.1
this is an example of my ctags... it only works for tags without hyphen:
cursor -> OK border-bottom-style -> KO
# format=pipe #CSS properties pretend to be methods to provide code hint align-content||: | border-bottom-style||: none / hidden / dotted / dashed / solid / double / groove / ridge / inset / outset| border-bottom-width||: | cursor||: auto / crosshair / default / hand / move / e-resize / ne-resize / nw-resize / n-resize / se-resize / sw-resize / s-resize / w-resize / text / wait / help| direction||: | display-inside||: | display-list||: | display-outside||: | display||: none / inline / block / list-item / inline-block / table / inline-table / table-caption / table-column / table-colgroup / table-header-group / table-row-group / table-footer-group / table-row / table-cell / flex / inline-flex / grid / inline-grid / run-in|
@saiballo your file works for me for both hyphenated and unhyphenated tags.
While editing `geany.css` and with your tags manually loaded as `foo.css.tags` it appears to be working to me.
If I type "curs" autocomplete offers "cursor", if I type "bord" autocomplete offers "border-bottom-style" and "border-bottom-width".
Please provide how to reproduce in more detail.
Geany 1.38 is the git development version, its has no fixes in the tags area (yet).
autocomplete works for me too but not for possible values. take a look on screenshots
Thats a calltip, not autocompletion. Calltips require searching backward from the `(` to find a name to lookup, and thats one of the places I alluded to where only looking for C names is hard coded see the NULL at the end [here](https://github.com/geany/geany/blob/d2740f21feb84b6f951398c6f683674b2b56bfed...)
ok, I'm sorry for mistake. so, no solution for that, right?
Not without somebody changing the code to pass the wordchars value from the filetype file. Pull requests are welcome.
thanks but I'm not a C developer, so I will wait if someone can solve this (in my opinion) bug.