philiprbrenan created an issue (geany/geany#4245)
I find Geany very useful every day. I was using Geany to edit some Verilog inside a Java triple quote string when a purple bar appeared. Is it trying to tell me something important?

philiprbrenan left a comment (geany/geany#4245)
rdipardo left a comment (geany/geany#4245)
Is it trying to tell me something important?
It's an error indicator added in Scintilla 5.3.1 to show that there are too many (or too few lines) in the layout cache when attempting to perform line wrapping:

As of Scintilla 5.5.4, the underlying issue has be patched:
Your Geany version is probably not new enough to have Scintilla 5.5.4, as it was [merged into git]( only recently.