I just tried to install the latest version; Is Geany supposed to run on Windows x86 (32bit) ? ![not64](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35498248/136680901-c01344af-bab6-4...)
I searched the docs and all issues, I found PR #2590 , does that mean x86 is no longer supported? ... If so, what is the latest version that can still run on it?
Nwews for 1.38 says "* Switch Windows builds to GTK3 and x86_64 (PR#2590)." so no, won't do 32 bit. Since the switch was at 1.38, probably 1.37.1 will still work on 32 bit.
Closed #2923.
Okay, thanks for confirming. Yes, just tested 1.37.1, works just fine. Bye
Reopened #2923.
I guess that means a version for Win32 will no longer be maintained?
Or maybe there is a sufficient minority of people like me, with obsolete hardware :), that could fork and maintain a version for Windows 32 bit, even if much behind the one for Windows64bit in terms of features?
Maintaining a Win32 version should be possible, all necessary changes can be found in #2590 (and need to be reversed more or less).
I personally doubt if it is worth the efforts. This is why we switched to x86_64 (after some discussion about the switch in #2590). Providing the Windows installers is already an extra effort on creating releases and is time consuming. Then providing even multiple variants is even more work.
But yes, if there are actually more users who have to use Win32, your approach might be feasible.
Closed #2923.
@eht16 Thanks for the reply.
I just did some research on the market share of 32bit Windows and to date, it's it's less than 1% according to https://www.pcbenchmarks.net/os-marketshare.html (Some older surveys , of 3-5 years ago put it at max 3..4% https://www.extremetech.com/computing/267180-nvidia-ends-support-for-32-bit-... , https://www.backblaze.com/blog/64-bit-os-vs-32-bit-os/ )
Based on this, I'm surprised developers still ship Windows 32bit applications...
And it's only today I discovered (thanks to this issue :) ) that in fact only my Windows is 32bit, while my processor is 64bit (it can be confusing b/c in System Information / System Type it says "X86-based PC", and I thought that means 32bit cpu, b/c when people mention "x86 windows" they usually mean "32bit windows" ).
I should install a Linux (64bit)... (If anyone has tips on which distro to choose, shout out!)
@VictorelPetrovich Thanks for the market data, makes it feel better to drop 32 bit, but as you said, anybody who needs to can continue to use 1.37.1 and fork it if they want to backport later changes to Geany..
As for which Linux, thats likely to start a :bike: :house: (bikeshed) but IMHO if you want to use the distro to do stuff, and not be on the bleeding edge (well you did still have Windows 7 :-) then look at Mint.
@elextr thanks for the recommendation! LOL, I'm rather on the minimalistic side (just not bare CLI), even Mint sounds fancy to me (in the past I tried Lubuntu and Xfce)
Mint has an XFCE version.