The version number of Geany: 1.36 The version number of GTK+ (can be printed with geany -V): 3.24.14
geany 1.36 (compilado el día 2020-03-22 conGTK 3.24.14, GLib 2.64.1)
Your OS details: Ubuntu 20.04
``` $ uname -a Linux leia 5.4.0-42-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ```
Seems to be related to #2105
--- **Normal open** Dead keys works in all the system: gedit, firefox, libreoffice and others.
Up to a weeks ago (01/08/20 more or less) Geany was working ok. With no changes on Geany but the normal system updates now Geany behaves in a different way: - Editor: Dead keys makes a blink on the whole window - Draft: Dead keys ok - Terminal: Dead keys ok
**Verbose** In verbose mode (geany -v) I can see this message when I press a dead key on the Editor:
``` Gdk-Message: 18:46:05.005: Window 0x55ba970a1380 is a temporary window without parent, application will not be able to position it on screen. ```
It doesn't matter which dead key, all the time is the same message (timestamp updated).
No message when a dead key is pressed on Draft or Terminal, there just works ok.
**XMODIFIERS** Setting XMODIFIERS to `@im=none` have no difference on the behavior of the dead keys. Again the error message on the Editor and works ok on Draft and Terminal
``` XMODIFIERS="@im=none" geany -v ```
**Force X11** When forced to X11 the Editor comes back to work ok:
``` GDK_BACKEND=x11 geany -v ```
No error messages. The behavior is ok on Editor, Draft and Terminal.
**WORKAROUND** As pointed out on #2105, seems like the workaround is to force X11 on the bashrc file to use Geany normally.
Just add this line to your .bashrc file: ``` export GDK_BACKEND=x11 ```
**To be improved** Maybe the Editor need the same component or behavior like Draft.
**WORKAROUND CORRECTION** DO NOT add anything to `.bashrc`file.
Just add this line to your `.profile` file:
``` export GDK_BACKEND=x11 ```
Duplicate of #2105
@pablorq as you yourself point out.
This issue confirms but adds nothing to #2105, the problem is in running under Wayland. Since none of the Geany developers and few of the regular contributors use Wayland AFAIK Geany is not tested widely under Wayland, and the solution will need to come from users who use Wayland probably via Scintilla.
Maybe the Editor need the same component or behavior like Draft.
The editor is an _editor_ with syntax highlighting, its not a terminal or an uneditable text display.
@elextr my point in this issue are 2 totally different from #2105:
1. Provide a tested workaround for Ubuntu 20.04 users, that might be useful for other users too. 2. Give feedback about the different behavior between Editor and the **editable** Draft components.
I hope this issue can help to fix this problem that only affects to Editor window component and not to the whole Geany app.
By the way: Wayland is not the future. Is the present. I think Geany should work smoothly on wayland.
The solution is the same as [this](, and its not clear that your repeat of it and change to .profile applys only to Ubuntu 20.04. In fact which is the best place to put it depends on which distro and which shell is being used.
What do you mean by "Draft component"? The word "draft" does not appear in the Geany manual, so I have no idea what you are talking about.
Oh! Sorry. Bad translation.
It should be 'Scribble' instead of 'Draft' component.
So, on the Editor component it fails, but on the Scribble component it work ok.
Coming back with this issue, I've done a simple script to apply the workaround at system level. Tested on Ubuntu 20.10 with Wayland.
The script simply add the environment `GDK_BACKEND` variable to `geany.desktop` when Geany is executed: ``` bash Exec=env GDK_BACKEND=x11 geany %F ```
Still waiting for a real fix on the "editor" component.