@codebrainz commented on this pull request.

In workbench/src/menu.c:

> +					 G_CALLBACK(item_workbench_settings_activate_cb), NULL);
+	geany_plugin_set_data(wb_globals.geany_plugin, menu_data.item_settings, NULL);
+	/* Create new menu item "Close Workbench" */
+	menu_data.item_close = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(_("Close"));
+	gtk_widget_show(menu_data.item_close);
+	gtk_menu_append(GTK_MENU (menu_data.menu), menu_data.item_close);
+	g_signal_connect(menu_data.item_close, "activate",
+					 G_CALLBACK(item_close_workbench_activate_cb), NULL);
+	geany_plugin_set_data(wb_globals.geany_plugin, menu_data.item_close, NULL);
+	/* Add our menu to the main window (left of the help menu) */
+	gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(menu_data.root_item), menu_data.menu);
+	gtk_menu_shell_insert
+		(GTK_MENU_SHELL (ui_lookup_widget(wb_globals.geany_plugin->geany_data->main_widgets->window, "menubar1")),
+		 menu_data.root_item, 8);

You could use gtk_container_get_children() and use the list's length to figure out how many items there are, and then stick yours at -2 from the end. You could also use gtk_container_get_children() and iterate through looking for the item with the name from the Glade file for the Help menu (not guaranteed stable, but unlikely to change), and do how you said. Geany has no really good way to do this.

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