@LiquidCake commented on this pull request.

In src/libmain.c:

> @@ -462,6 +462,18 @@ gboolean main_is_realized(void)
+ *  Checks whether Geany is quitting completely right now.
+ *
+ *  @return @c TRUE if the Geany is exiting right now or @c FALSE otherwise.
+ **/
+gboolean geany_is_quitting(void)

initial idea was to force all temp files to be open in Geany all the time, or at least open all of them on startup. Even ones created by concurrent Geany instances or manually on disk.
Thats why we had that function "load all temp files" and why we used "is quitting" instead of "is closing all" - to force user saving or deleting temp files after clicking "close all" and avoid dialogs only when closing window.

Now after few changes (temp files are now properly numbered by integers and are properly readable in "recent files" menu) i guess we got a better solution and this idea of keeping all existing temp files open is probably not actual.
So i did as was suggested - switched to "closing all" status and started completely relying on session management mechanism to re-open those temp files which it finds appropriate.
This seems to work fine, including general session vs project sessions.

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