OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Kernel: 4.15.1-2-ARCH Geany version: 1.32 ("built on or after 2018-01-29") CPU: Intel i5-8600K (6 cores, each 3.6GHz) DE: Xfce
I have [a pretty big JSON file](https://github.com/geany/geany/files/1713744/json-file.txt) on my computer and I formatted it with terminal colours (see here for what I mean with terminal colors [link](https://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colors_and_formatting#colors2)). I can display that file on my terminal with colors without problems, but when I open it with geany, it immediately crashes with a "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". I experimented a little bit, trying to pinpoint the exact problem with that file and I noticed a few things: - That error occurs only when the filetype is set to JSON - The file has to be saved for the error to occur. (It cannot be copy-pasted into a new "untitled" document, nothing happens then) - It IS possible to delete parts of the file so that the weird behavior stays, but there is not one specific line that causes the problem. If I remember correctly, the error goes away when I delete from the start until the ~16000th line or when I delete from the ~40000th line until the end of the file (Line numbers may vary by ~1000 lines plus or minus). There could be more areas of that sort in between those two though.