In src/editor.c:

> @@ -2045,8 +2114,13 @@ gboolean editor_show_calltip(GeanyEditor *editor, gint pos)
>  	editor_find_current_word(editor, pos - 1, word, sizeof word, NULL);
>  	if (word[0] == '\0')
>  		return FALSE;
> -
> -	str = find_calltip(word, editor->document->file_type);
> +	
> +	scope[0] = '\0';
> +	//const gchar *sname;
> +	//symbols_get_current_scope(editor->document, &sname);
> +	//printf("Current scope: %s\n", sname);
> +	read_scope_prefix(editor, pos - 1, scope, sizeof scope, NULL);
> +	str = find_calltip(word, scope, editor->document->file_type);

symbols_get_current_scope() returns a somewhat limited view of the lexical scope IIUC, so its not what you want until you need to resolve the highest level name in your prefix.

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