IMO "abandoned" is a bit too strong here.
Sorry, but grumpy olde guys are required to go a bit overboard, its in our contract :smile:
users with a very beginner level as well as "C experts".
Because I have been trying other tools recently where I am what I would call an "expert beginner" I can appreciate how useful it is having at least a mention of features in the help/manual to point in the right direction.
Things like filters behave differently on different tools, neither Eclipse or Vscode have filters on symbols (AFAICT), and for example the Eclipse filter for the equivalent of the "Documents" sidebar has a tick list to filter by "C/C++ Files" and categories like that, so having an outline of what the Geany one does is worthwhile to reduce expectations and "how do I do XXX" issues (they become "feature request" issues instead :imp: ).
but we also should try to not extend the already existing burdens for getting PRs created/merged even more.
I think sometimes PR writers overestimate what I expect by "documentation" and I appreciate that English isn't everyone's native language, thats why I provided the outline as an example to show what I personally think is useful.
So long as there is some outline or mention of the feature, at least it indicates that there is some functionality in that area, where it is hiding (eg Eclipse document filter is hidden behind a funnel icon on the toolbar, not an entry like Geany symbols filter), and will show up when help is searched, which is totally sufficient for "expert beginners" and somewhere for "beginner beginners" to start from.
Remember the Geany "Manual" is also its "Help" and as it opens in a browser there is usually good search capability.
Rest assured I have no intention of turning the Geany Manual into a full 1000 page book :smile:
The outline can also be added to when the "Documents" filter [is added](