@b4n commented on this pull request.
On doc/images/build_menu_commands_dialog.png:
@eht16 if you move those out of the way:
* */usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/legacy/edit-clear-all.png* * */usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/legacy/edit-clear.png* * */usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/legacy/window-close.png* * */usr/share/icons/Adwaita/24x24/legacy/window-close.png*
and then run `sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/` you'll get a more reasonable look.
Looks like what's happening is that they distribute those three icons (well, *edit-clear-all* is probably not necessary for us) in only *some* sizes, and although there is a `-symbolic` version, it's not picked up by GTK if there's a non-symbolic at any size.