Looking at the code this seems to have been fixed already:
``` C static gboolean automark(gpointer user_data) { GeanyDocument *doc = (GeanyDocument *)user_data; GeanyEditor *editor = doc->editor; static GeanyEditor *editor_cache = NULL; ScintillaObject *sci = editor->sci; gchar *text; static gchar text_cache[GEANY_MAX_WORD_LENGTH] = {0}; gint match_flag = SCFIND_MATCHCASE | SCFIND_WHOLEWORD; struct Sci_TextToFind ttf;
source_id = 0;
/* during timeout document could be destroyed so check everything again */ if (!DOC_VALID(doc)) return FALSE;
/* Do not highlight while selecting text and allow other markers to work */ if (sci_has_selection(sci)) return FALSE; ```
Can this be closed?