@elextr commented on this pull request.

In meson.build:

> +    'src/utils.h',
+    'src/vte.c',
+    'src/vte.h',
+    gen_src,
+    soversion: '0',
+    c_args: geany_cflags,
+    include_directories: [iscintilla],
+    dependencies: [dep_tagmanager, dep_ctags, dep_scintilla] + deps,
+    install: true)
+executable('geany', 'src/main.c',
+            link_with: libgeany,
+            c_args: geany_cflags,
+            dependencies: [dep_ctags] + deps,
+            build_rpath: meson.build_root(),
+            install_rpath: join_paths(prefix, 'lib'),

Maybe shared_library() takes install-dir:?

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