ralf3u left a comment (geany/geany#2914)
I just tested the two Geany-shortcuts (located in Preferences, Keybindings, Action `Focus`) `Switch to Editor` and `Switch to Sidebar` with the Preview-tab in the sidebar (see https://github.com/xiota/geany-preview). Both shortcuts work perfect. So, the shortcut `Toggle focus between editor and sidebar` (see title of this issue) makes still sense for me. If someone will program the shortcut, I would like to mention one important thing: For the shortcut `Toggle focus between editor and sidebar` one can not put the code of the shortcut `Switch to Editor` and the shortcut `Switch to Sidebar` together without change, because of the message window and VTE. Something like this should be added to the code: IF message window or VTE have focus, THEN do nothing.