You can always edit the colour scheme yourself, say you like the "foobar" colour scheme except the brace highlight. Just copy `path_to_your_config/colorschemes/foobar.conf` to say `my_foobar.conf` and edit it to copy the `default` style to the `brace_good` and `brace_bad` lines, change the name to `my_foobar` save and then `View->Change Colour Scheme...->my_foobar` and although brace highlighting still happens the highlight is indistinguishable from the unhighlighted version. This WFM.
If you use the default colour scheme you need to edit filetypes.common `tools->Configuration Files..->filetypes.common` and do the same in the `[named_styles]` section (which heading you may need to uncomment unless you are using the latest Git Geany).