+item2 = Bar
+[Help] +text = I'm a simple test. Nothing to see!
+[Info] +name = Demo Proxy Tester +description = I'm a simple test. Nothing to see! +version = 0.1 +author = The Geany developer team +@endcode
+The first line acts as a verification that this file is truly a sub-plugin. Within the [Init] section +there is the menu items for Geany's tools menu. The [Help] section declares the sub-plugins help +text which is shown in its help dialog (via GeanyPluginFuncs::help). The [Info] section is +used as-is for filling the sub-plugins PluginInfo fields.
I would make this a list with each section a list item rather than one paragraph.
"The [Init] section contains the menu items ..." would be better English.
What is the number after item? Is it the position in the menu? Is it just a meaningless variation so the keys are different, in which case maybe it would maybe be better as a list rather than separate items, do mnemonic underscores work?
What do you mean "as-is" for the info section?
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