If you map action to selectable click modifier you need to check if that it isn't assigned elsewhere since each modifier can only trigger one action and popup a "its already assigned, do you want me to unassign it" dialog like the Geany keybinding does because its backwards too. (Inverting it would be the way to go, "press keysequence to change then select action for it" but I won't mention it because @b4n will throw stuff at me, but it would allow multiple keybindings for the same action which the keypress handler supports, just not the GUI or keybindings file ;-)
I guess for something this small (a couple of modifiers a few actions) it doesn't matter which way.
Anyway so long as I can make it operate the same as [pick some other random application like say Vscode] so I can switch back and forward I can live with it.
I'll much rather abandon this PR ;-)
Well, by the time you add a UI and store and restore the settings it won't be "this" PR any more anyway :-D