@elextr @xiota For me the most important colors are (1) and (3).
We agree on (1).
For (3) I'm fine both with `#ff6f00` and @xiota's `#ee8000` (I personally prefer @xiota's orange as it is not as flashy as `#ff6f00`, not sure what @elextr thinks).
(2) for me is "whatever", @xiota's `#309030` looks good to me too (don't like the cyan `#009075` much myself).
`#ff3030` for (4) sounds good to me too, we should just update the Scintilla error highlighting color to this one too so we don't have 2 different reds.
According to this test, I have normal color vision.
Since we all use different monitors, monitor brightness and different lighting conditions, I wouldn't take such tests too seriously. That said, I took the test and have normal color vision too.