Maybe just skip them, any syntactic entity identified by bolding or italics will not be distinguishable with those fonts, only show them when "all" is selected.
... Thats the way to do it, the cost of filtering will be insignificant compared to the cost of the chooser loading and rendering its sample text in every font available.
I see; when i wrote above ideas and code, somehow I assumed that unneeded fonts need to be filtered out once and for all. But this is bad idea, because some users may still want to see/use them (for instance, text/code editors are not used for programming only...).
So it should simply offer options for filtering that list. One way is with 3 check-buttons: - Fixed-width - Variable-width - Normal (regular): for fonts that are not slanted or bold (more options could be added later if people want)
They would represent constraints combined with "AND" logics: - if no buttons checked, then means no constraints, so all fonts will show up - some buttons checked, then only show those langs that each of them satisfy all the corresponding constrains Thus, checking "normal" and "fixed-width" will show most fonts suitable for programming needs.
I tend to favor check-buttons over a combobox, as the latter will have to include a list for all possible combinations from (fixed-w, variable-w, normal); and checkbuttons are faster to see access by the user.
I could continue playing with this (as free time allows); but, for windows I use, GTK included in binaries is 2.24; because it uses the older fontSelectiionDialog, that means I may not even get to use the results of this work?...