I've installed the spell check plugin, here on Linux. I see in its Preferences dialog one can specify the folder to place the dictionaries in.

From this page I read:

On Windows, you might need to install the dictionaries (the files containing the information for spell checking) manually. First, you need to download the dictionary files for the languages you want, e.g. from http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/en/dictionaries. Be sure to download the "Spelling" archives from this site. The downloaded archive should contain one or more .dic and .aff files.
Download the archive you want to use
The downloaded archive with the extension .oxt is actually a ZIP archive, so extract it as usual (e.g. with 7-Zip or another ZIP unpacker). Extract the contents into a folder of your choice, e.g. C:dictionaries
Then open to the Spell Check plugin preferences dialog in Geany and choose the folder you just created. You may need to restart Geany and then the installed dictionaries should be available

Admittedly, that's for Windows, not Linux, but I thought the procedure would be similar for adding dictionaries in Linux. So I first pointed the plug in to my existing LibreOffice dictionary folder. From trying spell check, I saw it didn't register. Then I copied the LO dictionary folder over to the geany home folder, to avoid permissions and file lock, but that didn't work either.

Is there any way to load custom dictionaries for this plug in?

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