Would it be difficult to have Scribble use the same font as the editor? Or make it configurable separately? I found some old references to this (2015/2019), but no real conclusion. I also looked into geany.conf but didn't any related parameters.
I just tried it out copying this (I'm a long-time geany fan, but never got around using scribble. Maybe is was because of this?)

43:48:31:           CH1
d8:f9:ff:ff:        -1576       -length of CHx data block (including itself)
02:00:00:00:        2
00:00:00:00:        0
f8:02:00:00:        760

Which shows like:

As shown in scribble

The second column is supposed to aligned. Larger hex tables (or disassembly, or just code) look really ugly.

(Using Geany 1.37, GTK+ v2.24.32 and GLib v2.64.2)

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