I'm using the plugin Geany Preview. It is a fantastic tool for creating webpages: The HTML-code can be edited in the editor, while in the sidebar one can see immediately the result of the change of the webpage. But some issues can't be programed perfect because according to @xiota there is no sign to know if sidebar is in focus or not in focus (https://github.com/xiota/geany-preview/issues/5#issuecomment-1208310662 and https://github.com/xiota/geany-preview/issues/38#issuecomment-1208316223). I'm not a software developer, but what about the idea to add a sign, like a boolean-variable to the sidebar of Geany, so true or false, like SIDEBAR_focus=boolean to know if sidebar is in focus or not in focus?
Then maybe some issues could be solved, like https://github.com/xiota/geany-preview/issues/5 https://github.com/xiota/geany-preview/issues/15 https://github.com/xiota/geany-preview/issues/37 https://github.com/xiota/geany-preview/issues/38